My name is Denzil
Why were you named?
I am the firstborn to my parents. I’m not sure why I was named Denzil. They must have been proud of me because our family home was also named ‘Denzil’. A bold nameplate was affixed to the front of our home with my name.
What do you think of your name?
I am proud of it and love it. My name stands out wherever I go.
What does it mean to you?
It is my unique identity, kind of my brand name.
Do you like your name?
Of course. I love it.
Did you ever want a different name?
No, never.
Did you ever imagine yourself with a different name?
Yes; only in my teenage years.
What was it?
Did you have a nickname and did you like it?
I had many: Denny, Danny, Deniya, Denza and Denzy. But I loved Denny the most.
Do you have a middle name and do you like it?
Bernard. Yes, I like it. Bernard is my saint’s name, a must in the fifties in Sri Lanka in the Catholic faith when newborns were baptised within a week.
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