Letters from a 12-year-old
To her parents and grandparents
Dear Mum & Dad,
You are the best parents anyone could ever have. Without you, I wouldn’t be here to write this letter.
You kept promises which were hard to fulfil. Thank you for being there for me in the hard times.
Even when I was little and not even in kindergarten, you helped me to study, and at the end of the year, I could read and write well. Along with it, I had a lot of bumps on my head.
You moved to Australia for our sake and worked hard for the things we needed.
You bought things for us with your pocket money and any other money you could scrape around.
You took us places when you would rather stay home and rest. You looked after me when I had pneumonia.
You helped me, fed me, clothed me. And spoilt me.
You helped me with hard homework and helped me pass selective (You owe me remember!)
All I want to say is a BIG thank you for everything!
Love Always
Natasha Jayasinghe
Dear Archie & Seeya (Grandma & Grandpa)
Today is the start of the school holidays.
Tomorrow mum is having a Bessemer party (It’s like a party to sell products).
I passed my selective. It’s a test to see if you could go to a special school for smart people. 1 out of 5 children get in, and 1500 children participated.
I also grew up in August. I had the Sri Lanka celebrations.
I guess a lot of things have been happening these two months.
I can’t wait for when we go to Sri Lanka. Mum is buying whatever she leaves her eyes on for Sri Lanka. Already she’s filled three boxes to the brim with only food!!!.
I know this is too much to ask but do you think for Christmas can you get me a Sinhalese dictionary?
If you can’t get one, don’t worry. I’ll still be happy.
Roanna can’t wait to see you. You should see how much she’s grown.
I think I’ve written too much so I better stop. I’ll write to you soon. Please write back.
Your Loving Granddaughter,
Natasha J.
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